
World Parliament of Clowns

Official Members

Antoschka (Germany / Sibiria, Moscow State Circus, Founder World Parliament of Clowns)
Dimitri (Switzerland, Teatro Dimitri / Scuola Teatro Dimitri / Museo Comico Tessin)
Oleg Popov (Russia, Golden Clown Monte Carlo)

Popov - Nico - Antoschka - Welt auf Händen tragen   Clown Nico – Oleg Popov – Antoschka

David Larible und Antoschka   David Larible
David Larible (Italy, USA, Circus Roncalli, Golden Clown Monte Carlo)
Patch Adams (USA, Author, Founder of ‘Gesundheit ! Institute’, Red Nose Clown Doctors)
Peter Shub (USA, Silver Clown Monte Carlo, Jury Award Theater Festival Cannes)
Olli Hauenstein (Switzerland)
Pepa Plana (Spain)
Gardi Hutter (Switzerland)

Totti Alexis - Publikum

TOTTI Alexis (Deutschland)
Benny Schumann (Denmark, Grandchild of Charly Rivel / Clown Festival Denmark)
Happy the Clown (USA, Storyteller Extraordinaire; Chair of Steering Committee for the World Movement for Global Democracy; Candidate for the People’s Congress)
Clown Nico (Russia, Moskauer Staatszirkus)
Pilula (Russia, Russischer Staatszirkus Netherland)
Johnjohn Thurano (Denmark)
Joop Teuteberg (The Netherlands, Director Circus Royal)
Onionhead (USA, Black Clown, Universoul Circus)
Peaceful (Australia, Founder One World Network OWN; REAL HOPE; Children’s Parliament)
PIC (Switzerland, former Star-Clown of Circus Roncalli)
Jon Davison (Great Britain, Spain)
Armen (Russia / Spain)
Nikolay Kobzov (Ukraine, Founder & General Director Kobzov’s Circus Union)
Dr. (of Art) Vladimir Sergounine (Russia, Chief Analytic Department Federal Agency of Culture and Cinema / Russian State Circus Company ‘Rosgoscirk’)
Tim Holst (USA, Vice President Production & Talent – Ringling Bros Barnum Bailey)
Prof. Leonid Kostyuk (Russia, General Director & Artistic Manager Great Moscow State Circus, President of the Artistic Guild of Circus Art, Russian Academy of Theatre Art)
Dominique Jando (USA, Founder Festival Mondial du Cirque de Demain, Paris; Former Artistic Director Big Apple Circus New York ; Author)
Larisa Afanasewa (Founder & Artistic Director, UPSALA – Childrens Circus St. Petersburg)
Joseph Bouglione (France, Creative Director Circque d’Hiver Bouglione Paris)
Teresa Durova (Russia, Founder & Artistic Manager Moscow Clowns Theater)
Jürgen Wesche (Germany, TV-Director – f.e. TV-Series: Stories of the Clowns)